The Idol And His Protégé

In the midst of his murderous plunge into re-subjugation of Ukraine, Vladimir Putin oddly paused with an attempt to justify his actions. “Oddly” because Putin, while he lies as naturally as he breathes, seldom cares enough what anyone thinks to bother with attempts at justification.

Yet, there he was speaking of his “denazification” of Ukraine, even as he channeled 20th Century fascists in action and intent. Commentators were quick to note how bizarrely, ironically irrational this was. (Best seen so far: Trudy Rubin in the February 25 Philadelphia Inquirer.) Yes, Ukrainian President Zelensky is Jewish.

In speaking so, Putin presents a case of the master learning from his follower. In four years of emulating Putin, and catering to his every whim, Donald Trump was his equal in scope and depth of dishonesty. The Donald displayed unmatched skill, though, in one special technique of dishonesty: projection. As pointed out in the Other Aspects post of October 16, 2020, Trump is the unquestioned GOAT at projection.

The erstwhile Republicans who have chosen to abandon principle and sanity to follow Trump use it constantly. That is, they falsely accuse others of wrong-doing in which they are actually engaged. This is expected of trumpsters by now, but this was his idol projecting? It must make Trump so proud, though to be sure, Putin’s technique could use some refinement.

But, like the commentators, I digress. Let’s get back to the news of the day. Emboldened by four years of worshipful enabling and assistance by the then-President of the United States, and now desperate to make a move because that party is over, KGB thug Putin risks unthinkable catastrophe with one last attempt to reclaim the “glories” of the USSR. He invades.

What Vladimir Did for Donald

Memo to the US Department of Justice: Un-redact the Mueller Report. Today. Now.

Memo to all fellow Americans: Read the Mueller Report for yourself. Today. If you really don’t have time for all that today, read the Other Aspects post of November 1, 2020.

Then read the Mueller Report for yourself, as soon as you can, and think about how the crimes reported and everything that has happened since fit together.

There’s also a bonus for Donald in the current events: delight that Vladimir is bringing hell to Zelensky, the guy who wouldn’t lie about Joe Biden.

What Donald Was Doing for Vladimir

Perhaps the better wording is: What wasn’t Donald doing for Vladimir? For anyone wondering why Vladimir Putin wanted Donald Trump elected, and then re-elected, so very desperately, the answer is clear. It wasn’t just the constant, indefensible aid and comfort (Helsinki, anyone?) that continues to this day.

At the very top of Donald’s to-do list from Vlad was the one thing Trump did consistently for four years: everything he could to undermine NATO. The only way to make sense of his behavior on the international stage is to view it in light of one goal – the systematic dismantling of NATO. Even to America’s detriment? Certainly.

The Deal on Full Display for Those Who Look

What Vladimir Putin sought to get out of this arrangement could not be clearer – namely, not having to bother with what he’s doing today. If successful, he’ll see no reason to stop with Ukraine. He’s the one destined gloriously to restore the mighty USSR. If successful with that, by the way, why think he’ll stop with “merely” rehanging the Iron Curtain at those borders?

What Donald Trump sought to get out of this arrangement also could not be clearer – unlimited power and money, and a Putin-like status in the United States. Think he was kidding when he wondered aloud about the need for term limits on the presidency? Trump doesn’t kid.

Vladimir saw considerable success in skillfully sowing further division among the American people (really; it’s all in Mueller) as well as among the members of NATO. However, “genius” though he may be, Putin’s best efforts couldn’t overcome the number of US citizens who considered Trump’s performance as president when voting in 2020. It was too bad for both Vladimir and Donald that Joe Biden was actually qualified to be president, and not as dislikeable as Hillary Clinton.

Thus did the election of 2020 disrupt the deal. Whether their plan is scuttled for good or merely delayed, if some have their way, is up to us.

It was essential to America’s interests that one of Biden’s top priorities be to restore relations with our genuine allies. He’s done well with that, which is why Vladimir and Donald are so upset.

Meanwhile, Trump would be foolish to think Putin cared about him beyond his usefulness while positioned as US president. Did he hope to solve his financial woes by being cut in with Putin’s oligarch buddies in sharing corruption bounty? Trump, of all people, should know loyalty is a one-way street, for guys like him.

Further Musings

It never ceases to amaze that human beings arrange their affairs so as to permit a single individual, so often a despicable individual like Putin or his protégé, to do so much harm.

I’ve heard it said that the best form of government would be a “benign dictator”. The problem, of course, is that there’s no such thing. Human nature does not permit it; dictators find no reason to be benign.

That’s why, aside from the Bible, the Constitution of the United States is the greatest and most important document ever produced. It is our republic, if we can keep it.

Ken Bossong

© 2022 Kenneth J. Bossong